So you failed the USMLE Step 1 exam… Now what? This is not uncommon, and in fact a very high number of students fail the Step 1 exam every year and still end up matching into good programs, but you need to have a plan if you want to be one of those students. The

Many students getting started with their USMLE Step 1 preparation fall into the trap of doing exactly what everyone around them says they should be doing, but often times that isn’t what’s best for them. Getting into a routine and doing only what your colleagues are doing is often times a cause of stagnating progress.

If you want to crush your Step 1 exam, it’s imperative that you master the correct way to approach your USMLE Step 1 preparation. We don’t want to waste your time with a long, drawn-out strategy that is more confusing than it is helpful… So below we’ll give you a simple yet highly effective 3-step

  There’s no secret to the fact that the USMLE Step 1 exam is the toughest, and probably the most important test you will write throughout the entirety of your medical career.  For this reason, you need to take your USMLE Step 1 prep very seriously. Most students decide that in order to eliminate any