Step 2 CS Preparation: Learning How To Show Empathy

by / Friday, 26 January 2018 / Published in USMLE Advice

Proper USMLE Step 2 CS preparation requires that you become a master of demonstrating empathy on the exam. While many students struggle to understand how and when to be empathetic, at the USMLE Success Academy we have a 2-step strategy so simple, that even if you don’t have an empathetic bone in your body, you’ll be able to get your Step 2 CS empathy points.

The video below will walk you through the process of demonstrating empathy on your Step 2 CS exam in an easy-to-follow step-by-step manner.

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Step 2 CS Preparation: Learning How To Show Empathy

Today I’m going to show you how to demonstrate empathy during your Step 2 CS exam, even if you’re not an empathetic person or if you struggle to recognize when ad where to show it. So, after finishing reading this post, you’ll have a complete understanding and a strategy for exactly how to get your empathy points throughout the cs exam, even if you struggle to show it when you’re practicing.

So let me ask you, Does this sound like you… you’re in your encounter and you know you should be showing empathy, but you don’t know when to do it and if you’re given a potential cue, you find it awkward or difficult to show it the right way… If thats you or even if it isn’t you but you want to show more empathy, dont worry, I’ve got the solution for you.

So here’s TWO times during your history component where you can lead the patient into telling you about their problem so that you can demonstrate empathy on the spot… Of course, things might pop up elsewhere, but these two specific steps will be done specifically so that you can demonstrate empathy.. so here we go.


Empathy Opportunity #1 – At The Beginning of the Encounter

First… when you’ve entered the room and you sit down to talk with the patient, ask them what brought them in… they’ll tell you whatever the problem might be… at this point, tell them that you’re sorry to hear about XYZ, and be sure that you do so with an empathetic tone, and let them know that you’re going to do everything in your power to help them feel better.

That was your first empathy point, and you got it out of the way right at the beginning of the encounter… not only did you get your point early on, but you created an atmosphere where the patient feels that you’re empathetic and this only makes the patient feel more comfortable with you.


Empathy Opportunity #2 – When Wrapping Up The History

The second forced empathy point comes at the end of your history, when you do a very quick review of the problem…

Now just as a sidenote, don’t repeat each part of the HPI, past medical and social history, just a few points that really standout, such as: Ok Mr. Smith, just to review, you’re experiencing a pounding headache on the left side of your head that comes and goes throughout the day and that is getting progressively worse, do i have that right?

They’ll say yes… at this point, thank them for answering your questions and reassure them again that you’re going to do everything in your power to help them feel better ASAP… they’ll thank you and then you move into your physical exam.

And that’s all there is to it…

You’ve demonstrated empathy twice already and if you do this right, the patient has no idea that you’ve planned it out, and it allows you to get those empathy points that you need for your exam. 

So heres what I want you to do… as you practice your encounters, be sure to actively practice this at those two specific points, and after doing it a dozen or so times, it should become second nature so that you can be sure to get those points on your exam.


Quick Review

So just to review…

Ask them the problem at the onset and demonstrate empathy, then wrap up the history component with a quick review and offer empathy again…

Do that and you’ll be sure to get your points…

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